Monday, July 3, 2017

Getting a breast implant from a plastic surgeon in NYC

Placement of a breast implant by an experienced and reputable plastic surgeon in NYC can not only help improve the size of your breasts but can also help enhance their shape, improving your overall appearance.

Can you tell me about breast enlargement?

The breast enlargement surgery aims to improve the shape and size of the breasts. This is also commonly known as augmentation mammoplasty or breast augmentation. During this surgery, an implant is placed by the NYC surgeon in the breast. An implant comprises a soft silicone shell that is filled with either saline or silicone gel.

How is the implant positioned?

The surgeon will make an incision in the armpit, along the areola’s lower edge or in the breast’s bottom crease. The implant is then carefully adjusted to the correct position and shape. Subsequently, stitches are used to close the incision. The implant may either be placed under the chest muscle that lies beneath the breast or under the breast tissue.

What should I expect after the surgery?

Your incisions will be covered with gauze. Also, the breasts will either be supported by a special bra or it may be wrapped using an elastic bandage. Your surgeon may remove the stitches in a week to 10 days. You might experience some soreness, bruising, and swelling of the breasts for several days after the completion of the surgery. Some patients complain that they experience a burning session in the nipples soon after the procedure. However, remember that you might experience bruising and swelling for several weeks after the breast implant has been placed in NYC. Although you can return to your usual schedule a few days after the procedure, it is important for you to avoid any strenuous exercise or heavy lifting until your surgeon clears you for such activity.

Will I have scars?

Yes. However, these are usually in areas that are not very visible, such as the armpit or the crease under the breast. Typically, these scars will fade after a few months. However, if you opt to have a breast lift along with the breast enlargement surgery, you will have more prominent scars.

To Learn More About Breast Implant, Please Visit: Edmund Kwan, M.D.

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